Wednesday, March 21, 2018

DVD's and PHOTOS!!! Pre-order today!

Hello Cinderella Family!

As you may have heard, Mrs. Moore hired both a professional videographer and a professional photographer for Sunday, the last performance of Cinderella. The videographer is putting together a DVD of that performance to include both video and still shots that were taken by him and his employees. The photographer will be offering her photos in an online gallery for us to purchase sometime in the near future. (I will post information about the gallery when I get an update from the photographer letting me know they are ready for viewing and purchasing.)

As for the DVD, we are taking pre-orders NOW. Please use the form below to place an order. (If you are reading this message in your inbox, you will need to go to the post on our website to access the order form.)

  • DVD's are $10 per copy. You may order any number of copies.
  • For every DVD sold, $5 will be given back to One for All Musical Theater. 
  • They should be ready in about 3-4 weeks.   
  • Cash or Checks accepted.
  • Do NOT send CASH through the mail. If paying with cash, make arrangements with Lisa Orsi via to hand deliver your payment. 
  • Checks (made out to One for All Musical Theater) can be sent to: Lisa Orsi, P.O. Box 3073, Omaha, NE 68103
  • Payments need to be received on or before APRIL 17th or your DVD will not be ordered.

Keep an eye out for another post about the photographs, coming soon!  

If you have any questions, please send me an email at
Thank you,
Lisa Orsi
Communications Director for Cinderella